DA-Philosophers's avatar


Think! Reason! Learn!
Years Ago
138 Members104 Watchers


Ukraine and the narcissistic superpowers


122 deviations

Morality and Ethics

43 deviations
Julius Caesar - on people's beliefs


191 deviations
Edith Hamilton - human-centred Greek mythology

Superstition, Religion and Secularism

71 deviations
Dionysos Cthonos: Blood Moon

Philosophical Ideologies and Movements

43 deviations
Stamp: Get your dog to shut up

Animal Ethics

21 deviations

Abortion: The Window Of Debatable Personhood

Anyone who has actually done their research on pregnancy would know the following: A person definitely is 100% a person when they're born. That's not debatable. No mammal without a brain has been capable of thought. That's not debatable. At 13 weeks, the brain actually does develop in the foetus and is capable of some activity. Before that point it's not a brain, but merely a neural plate (essentially the blueprint for the brain, not an actual brain itself). Fact. At 20 weeks, the baby can actually be born and survive outside the womb, which means it's the earliest point of personhood by autonomy and not just thought alone. Fact. So the

Common Sense

24 deviations
Happy Budda B-day!

Art, Beauty and Aesthetics

6 deviations

Two Brothers

Two brothers worked together on the family farm. One was married and had a large family. The other was single. At the day's end, the brothers shared everything equally, produce and profit. Then one day the single brother said to himself, "it's not right that we should share equally the produce and the profit. I'm alone and my needs are simple." So each night he took a sack of grain from his bin and crept across the field between their houses, dumping it into his brother's bin. Meanwhile, the married brother said to himself, "It's not right that we should share the produce and the profit equally. After all, I'm married and I have my wife and my children to look after me in years to come. My brother has no one, and no one to take care of his future." So each night he took a sack of grain and dumped it into his single brother's bin. Both men were puzzled for years because their supply of grain never dwindled. Then one dark night the two brothers bumped into each other. Slowly it

Prose, Poetry and Writing

52 deviations
Stamp: EaT oR sTaRvE

Opinions and Views

85 deviations
Stamp: Durr showing kids pornz

Knowledge and Ignorance

110 deviations
Stamp: Its not their job to fix you

Psychology and Identity

23 deviations
Stamp: Not for kids

Technology, TV and Media

29 deviations
Stamp: Telemarketers

Humour and Laughs

71 deviations
The road is long!

Quotes and Memes

75 deviations

Unpopular Opinions

42 deviations
Stamp Comm: She isn't fit to be a mother at all


4 deviations
Stamp: FoR tHe KiDs


106 deviations